3 Things You Should Always Do Before entering Your Hot Tub
Water alkalinity is a measure of your water’s ability to neutralize acids. It’s an important part of balancing pH levels.

How Much Does a Hot Tub Cost?
If you’re thinking about investing in a hot tub, you may be wondering: How much do hot tubs cost? As with so many major purchases, the answer is: “It depends.”

The Best Hot Tubs for Socializing
What are you most looking forward to once you’re the proud owner of a new Sundance® spa? For many people, it is spending time with friends and family.

Host a Couples Hot Tub Night
Part of the fun of owning a hot tub is being able to share it with others. Consider planning your next couples’ night out in your hot tub.

Use Your Senses For Spa Water Care
The key to keeping your spa running for years is proper water care. You don’t have to be a spa guru to keep your water crystal clear and ready for year-round use.

Give Your Spa a Solid Foundation
You’ve made the decision to buy a hot tub. Now where do you put it? There are several ways you can give your hot tub a solid, level foundation for years of enjoyment.

Does Your Spa Have Hard Water Issues?
You sink into your hot tub, ready for a long, relaxing soak. As you’re get in, you notice the side of the spa feels like sandpaper. It's called scaling.

Top 3 Spa Care Urban Legends
Misinformation about spa maintenance can make water care seem daunting, but hot tub water carecan take as little as 10 minutes each week.

What is Plug n Play Hot Tub?
Plug n’ Play spas, also known as Plug and Play, are a great option for those looking for hydrotherapy without additional electrical requirements.